

Lieu unique, aux identités multiples, la Cité de l’architecture joue un rôle essentiel dans les grands débats sur l’architecture et l’urbanisme. Entre patrimoine et actualité architecturale, elle allie dialogue, dynamisme, immersion et inclusivité.

Informations pratiques

Paloma Cedille
Responsable du mécénat

Aymeric Chappell
Responsable du mécénat

01 58 51 50 00

  • Legal framework

    Under the 2003 law on corporate sponsorship, companies benefit from a number of advantages:

    A tax reduction of 60% of the amount of the donation made in cash, skills or kind (up to a limit of 0.5% of sales excluding VAT), with the possibility of carrying forward the excess for the next five financial years if it is exceeded.

    Benefits granted by the beneficiary of the donation, in a ratio of marked disproportion: the Cité grants 20% counterparts to its patrons. The Cité strives to establish a unique relationship with each of its partners.