Symposium Global Award for Sustainable Architecture™ 2019 with the conferences of the 5 laureates.
The Global Award, created by the architect and scholar Jana Revedin in 2006, every year rewards five architects who contribute to a more equitable and sustainable development and build an innovative and participatory approach to meet the needs of societies, whether they are experts in eco-construction or self-development actors for whom sustainability is synonymous with social and urban equity. The originality of the prize is to federate them in a unifying scene, enriching the global debate. Attentive to emerging scenes, interdisciplinarity and experimental learning, the Global Award is recognized as a discoverer of 21st century architects : Wang Shu, Alejandro Aravena, Carin Smuts, Francis Kéré, Al Borde, Assemble, Rotor, Bijoy Jain or Marta Maccaglia.
At the Centenary of Walter Gropius’ Bauhaus, the Global Award 2019 honors the multidisciplinary and social-reformatory aim of the Bauhaus: "Architecture is science, art and crafts at the service of society."
Laureates 2019 :
The Global Award scientific jury honors for their groundbreaking approaches:
- Prof. Dr. Werner Sobek for his innovation and transmission excellency, directing the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design ILEK Stuttgart (Germany) in succession of Frei Otto and Jörg Schlaich.
- Prof. Ersen Gürsel for his lifelong context- and society-concerned Design-pedagogy at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul (Turkey), the school that since 1933 offered a home to major exponents of the Bauhaus movement - Bruno Taut, Martin Wagner and Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, on the run from Nazi-persecution.
- Rozana Montiel (Mexico), Ammar Khammash (Jordan) and Jorge Lobos (Chile) for their dedication to interdisciplinary scientific researches as well as artisanal and artistic approaches to architecture and the public, making them understandable, desirable and affordable for all.
The Symposium 2019 will be followed by a presentation of the books:
Sustainable Design VII - Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2018, Marie-Hélène Contal, Jana Revedin; Ed. Alternatives-Gallimard, 2019
Building with the immaterial, under the direction of Jana Revedin, Ed. Alternatives-Gallimard, Manifesto collection

Lauréats du Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2019 : Ersen Gürsel, Ammar Khammash, Jorge Lobos, Rozana Montiel, Werner Sobek.

Global award partners 2019
Visitor information
7 avenue Albert de Mun
Paris 16e
Métro Iéna ou Trocadéro
Registration required, free entry within the limits of available places.
Suitcases of any size and large bags are now prohibited in the City.
Conférence traduite en français
Conference translated in english
The Global Award for Sustainable Architecture ™ benefits from the patronage of Bouygues Bâtiment International and BNP Paribas Real Estate.
Since 2010, the prize has been placed under the patronage of UNESCO. -